Olivia turned 8 months old! The other day, I sat at the computer looking through old pictures, it made me sad to think of how quickly Olivia is growing. It's so fun watching her discovering things and seeing her little personality develop. It's unbelievable how our lives have changed in the last eight months. I've discovered that having a baby is an exciting adventure and a roller coaster of emotions.This week has turned out to be a whirlwind of change. On Wednesday, Olivia lifted herself up in her bassinet. Although her bassinet is much larger than a normal bassinet, we were scared that she would lift herself far enough up that she would fall out. We were happy that she was able to get good use out of her bassinet but it was time for her to make the adjustment to her crib. I think the move was more difficult on mommy than Olivia. Mommy got so used to hearing Olivia breathing and sleeping right next to her. It's only been four days that Olivia has slept in her crib but she is loving every minute. She stretches and rolls and seems to sleep better at night. Once Olivia does wake up, she's able to entertain herself and play. This gives mommy a chance to get Olivia's breakfast ready. Olivia is eating rice cereal and baby food. She has been eating solely vegetables except for an occasional prune supplement . We introduced her first fruit to her yesterday, peaches. Olivia enjoys her food and has gained some weight.Initially in writing this post, I wrote that Olivia was not quite crawling but she sure tries. Here it is, one day later and she started to crawl! Olivia started scooting around like a little inch worm about two weeks ago. She got so quick. Then this morning, she woke up, ate breakfast, and when mommy and Olivia sat and played, Olivia got up on her knees and started to crawl! Since this morning, Olivia has crawled intermittently between inch worming around the room. She also surprised mommy and daddy a few days ago by standing up in her crib. She is attempting to move around her crib in what looks like the beginning stages of cruising/pre-walking.