Baby Olivia is changing so quickly! This 6th month, Olivia is growing by leaps and bounds. She weighed in at 13 lb. 3 oz. at her check-up. Olivia is at the 6th percentile, projected to be a petite little girl. The doctor wanted to be sure that Olivia is eating enough and had us begin supplementing after each nursing. We also began feeding her single grain rice cereal and boy is she enjoying that. After one week of supplementing her with formula and rice cereal, Olivia gained almost 2 pounds! Wow! The doctor has now had us slow down her feeds and reduce the supplementing.This month Olivia began to roll over from her back to her stomach and her stomach to her back. She discovered her little feet and is having the time of her life fiddling with her toes. She continues to reach, grab, and explore all the interesting objects around her including daddy's remote, cell phones, mommy's hair, and oh there's always her toys. Olivia has discovered her little voice. She coos, she jabbers, she sings, and she she squawks aloud. She also has learned to make the cutest little raspberry noises. She especially likes to do this back and forth with baba (grandpa). Olivia is a very happy baby and seems to smile a great deal of the time. Her smile lights up the room and sends our heart pattering. She began to laugh this month and it's adorable!