Olivia is turning 7 months old on Tuesday, July 10. It's hard to believe how quickly the time has gone by. Our little princess is constantly changing. Her personality is coming out more and more. Olivia is always a very happy baby but of course, like all babies, she has her moments.Today was adventurous, Olivia learned how to undo her own diaper! After a major blowout and mess just a day ago, we will be on our toes to keep her little hands from pulling on her diaper straps. Olivia has been scooting backward. She is also beginning to rock back and forth on all fours. Looks like she might be crawling soon. Olivia has sat up by herself twice. The other times, she falls over slowly much like a tree having just been cut "timber". Olivia goes to a playgroup every Monday with a group of six to ten other babies that fall between two and three months of her age. She gets really excited and vocal at playgroup. It's very funny! She also gets practice time in for sitting and rolling over.