Can you believe she's already 10 months old? This month we were fortunate enough to take a family trip to visit the grandparents. During this week long adventure, Olivia decided regular foods are much better! She sampled all sorts of different foods including Chinese dim sum-Yum! She also learned how to clap and wave bye bye.Olivia crawls so quickly now! She stands up a lot and holds herself up onto furniture. She can scoot side to side and cruise around furniture at her height level. It is so fun seeing her discover new things. Olivia doesn't have any teeth but when I peek in her mouth she has several little bumps. The doctor thinks she might be lucky and get a few in at a time.Olivia's first Halloween is coming soon! I'm excited to get her all gussied up. We have a few costumes that were given to us. Olivia will be either a piggy or a ladybug.