Thursday, August 20, 2020

8th Grade!

 Today you embarked on being a bad ass 8th grader! You are 13 going on I know everything mom I am almost 16 lol. You are my sweet and silly girl. Everything makes you laugh and you are quite the little prankster.  Its hard for me to imagine you are a teenager. This last year I have really missed your younger years when your eyes would brighten at the site of me and you would run in excitement to see me and shower me with love. Now days, you still are a lovebug but like your space and don't quite give as many cuddles. 

Friday, January 24, 2020

Our Teenager

That's right, she turned thirteen!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

I just turned 4!

Holy smokes how can that be, she's 4?

Saturday, January 10, 2009

25 Months

Olivia is a black curly haired, happy little girl. She loves to sing and dance and run around. She's very playful and creative. We are attending music classes to encourage her appreciation for instruments and singing.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

24 Months- I'm two!


Friday, October 10, 2008

22 Months

Olivia is just shy of turning two. Can you imagine? It really is hard to believe how quickly time can fly before your eyes. Our sweet little girl never ceases to amuse us with her singing, dancing, talking, smiles and laughter. Olivia seems to always have something to say. Her vocabulary has grown tremendously. She puts two and three words together correctly into sentences. She responds to questions and is very inquisitive. (to be continued)

Thursday, July 10, 2008

19 Months

Olivia is a ball full of energy! I've found that I'm coming home exhausted with not much time to spare. I'm going to do my best to catch you up...Olivia is a chatterbox with sooo much to say. Her vocabulary is amazing and she has started to respond to questions with an almost complete sentence. For example, if asked "Do you have it?" She'll respond "I got it." She also responds to what she likes by saying "I like berry." One of the things that melt my heart, Olivia is now coming up to mommy and daddy and hugging us and saying "mommy/daddy I love you"! Some of her favorite vocabulary words that she'll say with excitement are airplane, fire truck, mailman, bird, cat, dog, swimming, potty, etc.Olivia is starting to learn her numbers but doesn't make it past 4, although she will randomly say seven. I am also trying to work with her on learning her ABC's and teaching her colors. Olivia is successfully pooping on the potty. She will sign poo poo and then run to the bathroom. Olivia does not understand pee pee quite yet but we are excited that she's making positive efforts.Olivia's classes ended and we haven't signed up for anymore. Ideally, we will be taking swimming and music classes soon. Olivia still loves playing with all her playgroup friends but has had to miss a few days due to mommy's car problems. I'm not sure how much Olivia weighs for certain. We have a doctor visit scheduled next week with shots. I can tell you that she's growing like a weed and seems to be one of the taller little girls in her playgroup. I think she should enjoy being tall now because like mommy and daddy, the tallness didn't last.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

14 Months

Olivia is walking everywhere! One day she just got up, walked through the house, out the door, and down the driveway. And she's off! Norm and I have been scurrying around after Olivia. She seems to get into everything and is oh so curious. She has discovered that she can reach things on the table and pull them down, open cupboards, pull out drawers and empty the contents, open bins, and climb. She loves getting into my hair accessories and comes into the kitchen with her comb in hand and clips in her hair. She's so proud when she finds new things to play with. In fact, one day I was happily greeted by Olivia smiling with toilet paper everywhere. She had pulled one full roll all over the bathroom and hall. She even graciously left one roll for mom and dad to find inside the shower. Too cute!Olivia's newest words and phrases are "sorry, what doing?, that, no-no, the number one, airplane, bird, eye, nose, and fish." She points at things when we ask-her nose, eyes, mouth, birds, dog, car, outside, etc. She is learning her numbers and knows how to begin counting 1-5 on her fingers. Olivia loves her books and enjoys reading.Olivia now has four teeth and a new one coming in. She's all smiles and happily loves brushing her teeth.